I have lost track of updating this blog in the last 8 weeks… I need to get better at it…
February became somewhat intense on the baking front… and it won’t be surprising to hear that my essay was due in the middle of it…! However, I had the fortune of tasting some yummy cakes and who knew they don’t always have to have chocolateIMG_1028?

Lime & Coconut Drizzle Cake (6/02/15)

This was my first drizzle cake. Being my usual self critical, I nearly didn’t bring it into work but it turned out that everyone just loved it. Sometimes it’s difficult to know when it’s turned out right, if you have not tried it before.

Lime & Pistaccio Cake (11/02/14)

Three layered pistachio cake with home made lime curd and a lime cream cheese frosting. Delicious!

Cayman Mango Cake (16/02/15)

The Don (as he will henceforth be known) made a comeback! It is so easy to make and so amazing and delightful! I have got two mangoes lying in my fruit bowl…


Eton Mess with Mango and Passionfruit coulis (20/02/15)

Did not know how easy it was to make Eton Mess. Bloody delicious as well, however unhealthy! Good, I do not regularly have cream in the house… and it does unfortunately not taste the same with yoghurt.

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Banana Bread (22/02/15)

I was half tempted to go for the Cardamom and Banana loaf again. So glad I did not.
I have never seen such perfectly ripened bananas either. I would like to think they helped to make this bread so delicious. I was most amazed by the fact that it was in fact textured like a real bread, I still don’t really get how this happened! Together with the cream cheese frosting… my diet turned terrible!

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