My attempts at a Sacher Torte

So, I have been on a hiatus from keeping this here up to date. Really no time alongs all the other things going on in the past couple months. I have been baking though up until we did our glorious ride to Brighton! I raised £600 for Macmillan, most of it through #CakeMonday - so … Continue reading My attempts at a Sacher Torte

February Procrastination – Baking intensification

I have lost track of updating this blog in the last 8 weeks... I need to get better at it... February became somewhat intense on the baking front... and it won't be surprising to hear that my essay was due in the middle of it...! However, I had the fortune of tasting some yummy cakes … Continue reading February Procrastination – Baking intensification

Passionfruit disaster… Mango saves the day!

The mango cake was a great success, so I was high hopes for the passion fruit cake. I found a straight forward sounding recipe in the Clandestine Cake Club recipe book called simply Passionfruit Cake by Nicette Ammar from Cornwall. The recipe is split in three parts: make a curd, the sponge cake and then the filling … Continue reading Passionfruit disaster… Mango saves the day!