This morning we wanted something quick for breakfast that would help us get out the door to run some errands. In step our trusty Mornflake Creamy Super Fast Oats for some easy porridge. But as so often happens in the Palace Kitchen, we spontaneously decided to whip up a Berry Compote as an accompaniment.

What we did

Fresh berries can be very expensive, especially when they aren’t in season. We always try to have some frozen berries in our freezer, which were perfect for this recipe and allowed us to have three different varieties (raspberries, blueberries and strawberries) without shelling out for produce which, in the dead of winter, wouldn’t have been the best quality anyway.

We had around 315g frozen berries so I adapted the recipe slightly, using around 35g golden caster sugar, two tablespoons of water and half a teaspoon vanilla bean paste. It behaved similarly to what you’d expect with fresh berries but might have released slightly more liquid as it thawed. We considered adding some Pectin to help it set but it did that all on its own as it cooled.

Compote in pan

Our Verdict

Really yummy! Not too sweet, seemed to have just the right amount of sugar to bring out the berry flavours and the vanilla complemented it all very well. It was perfect served with porridge.

Compote surprise at bottom of porridge bowls
We had some hiding at the bottom. Surprise!

What we would do differently

Not a lot! Apart from maybe adding only one tablespoon of water at the beginning or experimenting without any due to the frozen fruit. Might also try with a cinnamon stick as suggested on the Good Food website for a bit of spice.

Compote with porridge
And of course a dollop on top as well!

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